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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What 2015 Taught Me: A Year in Review

1.) Not all things broken are meant to be fixed...


I have a very complicated relationship with some of my immediate family members. Over the years I have tried and tried to develop some sort of a relationship with them but to no avail. And as important as family is it is important to realize when enough is enough. No matter how much effort I make on my side, these particular family members didn't bother even trying and in any relationship it takes two to tango. And although I did spend a lot of time trying to cultivate these relationships with very little successful outcomes, I don't regret it. I rather I tried than just stand back. No family is perfect and it's important to spend time with those who love you just the way you are. 


This is a very hard topic for me to talk about. This year I got roped backed into a situation that I probably should've avoided all together. There has been this guy in my life for that I have held a torch for. Even today I still don't know why. This particular year I not only let him back in my life but my heart as well. There are no words to describe the pain that I went through going back and forth thinking that there was some hope out there for us. A part of me should have known better since he has hurt me before many times but at the same time I felt like I finally got closure to our situation. My heart is still broken but I am mending day by day. It has made me realize what I need to look for in a partner and also to take the toxic guys out of my life. As much as we hold on to our old loves, we need to ask ourselves is it really worth it? We all go through broken hearts in our lives but we have to make sure that those broken hearts were worth it. 

When things are broken in life, there is probably a good reason why it is. It is good to try and fix it and sometimes things can get fixed but if it doesn't don't stress out about it. Life is so short and precious that wasting even a second of it over something you don't have control over is just not worth it. 

2.) I despise driving...

So apparently this year I learned that I actually hate driving. I honestly don't know why I was so excited when I was 16 getting my license. I don't know if it is where I live or just the amount of asshole drivers there are out there but driving these days is more of a chore rather than an enjoyment. I need to make more money and hire myself a chauffeur.

3.) Don't ever let ANYONE talk down to you...

I had a professor earlier this year who was also my advisor that told me because I wasn't doing well in his class, I probably shouldn't be in the program all together. And even though I was doing well in my other classes it didn't matter to him. When he said this to me I literally bawled my eyes out for like 3 hours and was close to dropping out of the program. But with the support of my friends I got back up and retook the class. Not only I got an A in the class I ended up raising my entire GPA. It was honestly one of the best feelings I have ever experienced. Never let anyone talk down to you and tell you you can't do it even if it is an authority figure. As long as you give it your all you are capable of ANYTHING life throws at you.

4.) I enjoy eating vegetarian and vegan dishes

Ever since I was young I have been the biggest carnivore. I had to have meat with every single meal every day of the year. This year however on the road to getting back in shape, I decided to venture out my tastebuds and try some vegetarian and vegan options. And to my surprise I actually enjoyed them much more than I thought. Although I haven't completely cross over to the herbivore side I do try to incorporate more vegetarian and vegan meals into my diet. Being Asian has helped since we eat a lot of tofu.

5.)  Loving yourself first

The most important thing this year taught me is that no matter what situation bad or good always love yourself first. If you can't love yourself you can't love or help others around you. No matter what comes your way always charge and face it head on. Happy New Year guys! Thank so much for all the support these last couple of years. <3 xoxo

"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about"

-Marylin Monroe 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Countdown to CHRISTMAS: Christmas Tag 2015

What is your favorite Christmas...


This is a hard one! I don't think I have one particular favorite but some of my top ones are 

MistleToe by Justin Bieber

The ENTIRE NSYNC Christmas Album

Snowflake by Jason Chen

Santa Baby by Madonna


Making tons of junk food and binge watching Christmas movies with family and friends


Candy Canes (The fruit flavored ones... I know I'm unoriginal) 


It's a tie between Elf and Love Actually 

Do you have a Christmas tradition?

My family watches Elf every single year... multiple times haha

What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

Just being able to spend time with family and friends. As we get older we are now farther apart and don't get to see each other as often anymore so the holidays are extra special when we can get all together. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Countdown to CHRISTMAS: JINGLE JINGLE- Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Hey guys welcome to another Countdown to CHRISTMAS POST!!! Today I wanted to bring back an old series of mine that I do every year and as you can pretty much see in the title it is my JINGLE JINGLE series where I share my all time favorite Christmas inspired recipes. I have a delicious and satisfying peppermint hot chocolate recipe that will put the Starbucks version to shame.

What You Need:

No exact measurements, make as much or as little as you want!!! 

-Semi sweet chocolate (the good expensive kind trust me it makes a HUGE difference)

-Whole Milk (none of that reduced fat 2% stuff)

-Heavy cream

-Candy Canes

-Peppermint Extract 

-Coconut Sugar (White sugar will work as well_

-Whipped cream or topping

-Marshmallows (optional)

How To Make:

Using a double boiler (if you don't have one no problem just put a glass bowl on top of a small pot of boiling water) melt your chocolate. The double boiler helps your chocolate melt a lot more smoother plus it also prevents lumps and the chocolate drying out.

After the chocolate is melted, stir it into a mixture of hot milk and cream very slowly (1 part cream per 2 parts of milk) 

While stirring add your sugar and adjust to your taste. Then pour in a couple drops of peppermint extract. BE VERY CAREFUL this stuff is very strong. 

After everything is dissolved and mixed pour it into your mug of choice and top it off with some whipped cream or topping and some crushed candy canes. You can also add some marshmallows.

Serve warm and enjoy!!! 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Countdown to CHRISTMAS: Favorite Christmas Movies

I don't know about you guys but I LOVE Christmas movies! I am guilty of watching them all year around. Here are some of my favorites over the years and I think they will tailor to people of all ages!

1.) Elf 

2.) Love Actually

3.) How the Grinch Stole Christmas

4.) Nightmare Before Christmas

5.) The Holiday

6.) Last Holiday

7.) Home Alone

8.) A Charlie Brown Christmas

9.) It's a Wonderful Life

10.) Borrowed Hearts 

November/December Favorites (Tech Edition)

Hey guys, long time no talk! I cannot apologize enough for being so M.I.A these last few months. My work and school schedule have been insane and all over the place. Life happens... Any how I am back with a favorites post and not just any favorites post but one all about my favorite tech. I don't usually do these but there are a few things I have been loving that I wanted to share with you guys!

FitBit Charge HR

I picked up this little bad boy during my Black Friday shopping adventure and have been wearing it ever since. I was diagnosed with some heart issues awhile back and part of my treatment is to keep track of my pulse/heartbeats. I don't know why I never thought to buy this when it first came out. The sleek design makes it easy to wear and set up takes seconds. The Charge HR comes in a variety of colors however you can't switch the band colors like the original one. It also tells the time and date, calories burned, steps, stair count and number of miles you took in a day. 

I have the black one shown above 

MacBook Air 

The last year or so I have been dealing with a variety of technology issues mostly on my MacBook Pro. I have had my MacBook for about 8 years and it has been my rock however because I am a heavy computer user due to school and my work, over the past few months my baby has been slowing down on me and has needed quite a few extensive repairs. I recently had to take my computer in once again to the Apple store and they told me that the current repairs I had to make would run me about $400 +. I did go to other places to see if it would be any cheaper and honestly it wasn't that big of a difference. As much as I love my baby I knew it was time to retire it and buy myself a new one. I did some research and ended up deciding on the MacBook Air. It is very sleek and so much easier to carry around. The only downside is that all the new MacBooks no longer have a CD-Rom drive due to the increase in battery size. But overall I am very happy with my choice and can't wait to get more use out of it. 

I purchased the 13 in 8GB plus 256 GB flash storage 

iPhone 6s Plus

When the iPhone 6 first came out I regretted not purchasing a plus so when I had an upgrade for the 6s I didn't want to make the same mistake. While it is a pretty big phone it has made my life so convenient. It is not only clearer but I am able to get more things done and faster such as replying to email or sending documents to my clients. Not to mention it is also great for playing games.

I have the one in space grey

Wednesday, November 11, 2015



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Along with Ad space on my blog, I will also be offering other promotional avenues through Instagran and Twitter. 

Prices vary depending on the type of Ad 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

GOBBLE GOBBLE: Mashed Potatoes 2.0

When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, it is never complete without a heaping side of mashed potatoes. There is nothing like a bite of turkey followed by that smooth, creamy, delicious taste of mashed potatoes. I am a purist when it comes to mashed potatoes half and half some butter and finish off with a little salt and pepper action. Why fix what isn't broken right? But I do know that some of you out there may want a change this year. Here are some simple additions to kick up your mashed potatoes this year that is guaranteed to keep your taste buds satisfied.

1.) Creamy Roasted Garlic

Simply take a whole bulb (not a clove) of garlic and wrap it in some foil with some olive oil and throw it in the oven and roast at 250 degrees for about 10-15 minutes depending on your oven's settings. Definitely keep an eye on it. After it's done simply smash it up and add it to your mashed potatoes along with some heavy cream instead of milk or half and half, butter, a touch of sour cream and salt and pepper to taste. Keep in mind that when you roast the garlic it will shrink not only in size but as well as flavor potency so you may need to roast more than one bulb to really bring out that roasted garlic flavor. I also wouldn't kiss anyone after eating this.

2.) Parmesan Cheese

After mixing in the traditional mashed potato ingredients with the exception of salt add some Parmesan cheese to your desire. This tends to work better when the mashed potatoes are nice and warm. This way the cheese will melt nicely and keep the consistency smooth (unless you prefer a little chunkiness). Taste before adding any additional salt since the cheese is already very salty on its own. Since it is Thanksgiving splurge a little and get the real stuff. It tastes so much better and you can save the rind for soups later on.

3.) Cream Cheese and Chives

With all the traditional ingredients added stir in some room temperature cream cheese and some chives. Mix well and top with more chives for garnish. With the cream cheese it isn't necessary to add butter, DO NOT USE CHIVE CREAM CHEESE I know it sounds stupid but the flavor is not the same.

4.) Caramelized Onion

This is one that I have recently made and was very surprised at how well it turned out. It is definitely for those who want to be a little ballsy. To caramelize the onions, slice them really thin and cook them over medium low hear stirring occasionally so the onions don't burn. Once the onions become translucent add some sugar (I prefer light brown sugar to really get that caramelized color and flavor). Keep cooking until your onions turn a nice brown color (NOT BURNED!!!). Afterwards add a dash of red wine or your favorite stock to scrape the bits from the bottom of the pan (DO NOT COVER THE ONIONS IN LIQUID) and add the onion mixture to a blender and puree. Please be careful and let the onions cool down before putting it into the blender.It should come out in a thin paste consistency. Add the paste into your mashed potatoes.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fall '15 Favorites

I don't usually do these types of posts but I have been seriously using these things like crazy so I thought I share them with you guys! Hope you guys enjoy and happy fall!!! 

Beauty Favorites 

Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation - Great medium coverage but light enough for everyday wear

Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream - For those lazy days where I just need a little quick pickup

Khroma Beauty Lipgloss in Black Honey - Pretty dark plum color perfect for the fall and also smells like honey!

NYX Highlight and Contour Pro Palette - Has every bronzer and highlighter you will ever need. I am normally not a huge contour person but ever since this palette came out I have been obsessed. Not to mention a great dupe for the Anastasia Contour Palette which is around $40.

Tarte Matte LipSurgence in Envy - Dark pinky nude great for everyday fall wear. This has been my go to lip color. It pretty much goes with every look and outfit and works great on all skin tones.

Hask Macadamia Oil Hydrating Hair Treatment - I am currently in the process of lightening up my hair to prepare for a color (will reveal later on). Because of the chemicals used my hair has been pretty dry lately and this treatment has been a savior. It basically is a deep conditioner that is enriched with macadamia oil. 

Misc Favorites 

iPhone 6s Plus in Space Grey - I recently updated my phone a couple weeks ago from an iPhone 6 in Gold to this big boy. I gotta say I am very impressed. The changes in this phone makes quite a difference in how you use it now. Plus I really wanted a big phone.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Sonix Bahama Case Review

I recently upgraded to the iPhone 6s Plus (space grey) from an iPhone 6 so of course I needed a case. I know that a lot of you out there despise having a case on and I totally understand! Cases can be annoying by adding extra weight and can cover up the beautiful design of the new iPhones, however no one wants to pay $80 to fix a shattered screen and as much as you hate to admit it even seeing a teeny tiny scratch your phone can send you flying off a wall. 

Every now and then I like to review a phone case to possibly encourage those out there who don't use cases to consider getting one. I have been using the Sonix case in Bahama for over 2 weeks now probably the longest I have gone without switching a case (I have a problem I know). So evidently I had to talk about it! (DISCLAIMER: I am not being sponsored by Sonix or in any way affiliated. I bought this case myself and my review is 120% my own opinions.)  

Sonix is known for their clear design rubber cell phone cases. They are very much like the company Casetify (not sure if they are owned by the same people). Their beautiful designs add a little something extra yet still shows off the beautiful and simple design of the new iPhones. Their cases are made from a very sturdy rubber material and have raised bumpers surrounding the entire phone. For those of you who have the glass screen protectors the bumpers won't interfere. The button covers keep the buttons protected but is still easily accessible. I find that a lot of cases out there have so much material around the buttons that you have to push down really hard to just turn your screen on. Protection wise you are good to go although I do recommend getting a glass screen protector regardless. The cases are lightweight so you won't feel too much of a difference and has a nice sleek and slim look to it. Please keep in mind that the new iPhone 6s/6s plus is made with a sturdier aluminum which does make the phones a bit heavier compared to the regular 6/6s so whatever type of case you use WILL add a tiny bit of extra weight (but worth it for the protection). 

The only issue I find with this case is that they don't have a separate iPhone 6s Plus case and the same case is suppose to fit both the 6s and 6s plus. The 6s is a bit bigger so the case does have a tighter fit but it still works well. You will have to do a little bit of pushing and tugging when putting on and taking off the case. 

The Bahama case has a simple yet pretty palm leaves design and is available for the iPhone 6/6 plis and iPhone 6s/6s plus. All Sonix cases retail for $39.99 on their site . They also sell their cases at AT&T stores (limited quantity in designs). They are a bit on the pricier side but worth every penny.

Follow Sonix on Instagram
Username- Shopsonix 

GOBBLE GOBBLE: Orange Ginger Cranberry Sauce

Welcome back to GOBBLE GOBBLE my annual Thanksgiving recipe series. This year to kickoff the series I wanted to share with you all a delicious take on the all time traditional Thanksgiving side dish... cranberry sauce. Great with turkey, on top of ice cream or just by itself! (DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind that some of my recipes don't have exact measurements and no worries even without the measurements these recipes are so easy you can't possibly mess it up.)

You will need


White granulated sugar (1 cup of sugar per 1 cup of liquid)

Orange (1 per lb of cranberries, about 1/4 of the juice)

Finely grated ginger (powered will work as well, about 2 teaspoons per 1 lb of cranberries)

A liquid of your choice (cranberry juice, apple juice, or water)

Dark rum (2 teaspoons per lb of cranberries or more if you like, for kids you can opt out of this but the alcohol will cook out so worries)

How to make:

1. Juice the orange and keep the peels

2. In a large pot combine the cranberries, orange juice, orange peels, sugar, ginger and rum

3.Pour in your choice of liquid (just make sure there is just enough to cover the ingredients do not over fill)

4. Cover and slowly simmer until the cranberries have soften and popped.

5. Continue to cook until you get a gel sauce like consistency

6. If your sauce is too thin drain some of the liquid, if too thick add more liquid and simmer 

7. Once cooled it will be ready to serve



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Fall TV Shows: Part 2 New Shows

A couple of weeks ago, I posted some of my favorite returning fall shows so I decided why not post some of my favorite new fall shows.


Tuesdays 8/7c on Fox

A 50 something year old playboy bachelor discovers not only he has a son but also a granddaughter. Pretty much one of those cliche comedies that we see everywhere today BUT John Stamos aka Uncle Jesse is in it.... Do I need to say more? Despite the cliche plot it is a lighthearted and funny show. Definitely worth checking it out. 

Blood & Oil

Sundays 9/8c on ABC

For those of you out there who are fans of the show Dallas and its remake, then you guys will definitely like this one. Just like Dallas, Blood & Oil is set in the greedy and corrupt world of the oil business. It is intriguing, sexy and keeps your attention. Plus some serious man candy... Chace Crawford anyone? 

Scream Queens

Tuesdays 9/8c on Fox

Basically if Mean Girls and the Scream Franchise had a baby. Scream Queens sets in the fictional Wallace University where a masked devil killer roams around killing people. I won't give too much away but for those of you who like a little scare and humor in their TV selection this fall, go check this out.

Wicked City

Premieres Oct 27 10/9c on ABC

This show has not been released yet but from the trailers I can tell already it will be a hit mostly for one reason and that is ED WESTWICK is the main character. Wicked City is set in the 1980s in West Hollywood where the Sunset Strip Killer roams. Ed Westwick plays the killer is there really a need for me to say anything else haha

Saturday, September 26, 2015

NEW!!! Maybelline Instant Cheek Flush

Pinking of You


-Comes in a round plastic container

-The cap is a handle to the product itself

-Comes also in a peach color

-Retails $5.99

Can be found at drugstores nationwide as well as select Targets, Wal-Marts and Ultas


I wasn't too impressed with this product. When I first saw it I had some high expectations. Maybelline usually does pretty well when it comes to their cream cheek products. The Baby Skin Instant Cheek Flush is a solid cheek stain. It has a very similar concept to the Tarte Cheek Stains which retail for around $20 each. The packaging is adorable and I do love how the product has a little handle making it super easy to apply. The texture is soft and blend able however the pigmentation is seriously lacking. It gives a very very light touch of color that dissipates after a little while. I do however like using this on my lips instead for a light stain and it stays on pretty well compared to the cheeks. It is also good for a cheek base. The stains allows and keeps powder products on a little bit longer and gives a nice glow underneath. 

Overall 3.5/5

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Weekly Playlist 9/22

1.) About You
Trey Songz

2.) Same Old Love
Selena Gomez

3.) Hide & Freak
SoMo & Trey Songz

4.) Drive You Home

5.) Meant to Be

6.) I Will Not Take My Love Away
Matt Wertz

7.) Gibberish
MAX & Hoodie Allen

8.) Me Against The World

9.) Atlas Hands
Benjamin Francis Leftwich

10.) Life Goes On

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Top Fall TV Show Lineup!!! PART 1 Returning Shows

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cool weather and the changing color of the leaves. And not to mention it is FINALLY the start of the holiday season!!!!!!!! But another favorite that some of us tend to overlook during the fall season is the return and arrival of TV SHOWS! .If you have been following me for awhile you will know that I am a huge TV buff! It is probably one of the best and worst things about me. The amount of time I spend watching TV shows is to the point where I think I may need to attend support groups for TV addicts (if there is one out there). But nevertheless for those of you who are like me out there I'm sure you will enjoy this post. Here is part 1 talking about returning shows. Part 2 will focus on new shows.


The Mindy Project

Returns Sept. 15 on Hulu (Season 4) 
New episodes posted every Tuesday

Words alone cannot describe how excited I am that Hulu decided to pick this show up after FOX cancelled it (worst decision ever). If you guys are not familiar, The Mindy Project is about a 30 something year old gynecologist played by the beautiful and talented Mindy Kaling, and her misadventures with love, work, and friendships in the big apple. Plenty of sappy love scenes, raunchy humor and not to mention hot guys!!! 


Returns Oct 6 on The CW (Season 2)

With all the hype on The Walking Dead, it is no wonder why this show is so underrated. iZombie is set in the present day where zombies roam free with humans (not to the human's knowledge). It follows the story of Liv Moore, medical student, turned zombie after an unfortunate incident at a party. She now works at the morgue eating the brains of the dead and helping local enforcement solving their murders. It is super entertaining and fun to watch. I personally find it better than The Walking Dead. #sorrynotsorry

 Madam Secretary

Returns Oct 11 on CBS (Season 2)

Basically a less raunchy version of Scandal, has just enough politics to keep you interested but not bore you to death. As much as I loved Scandal when it came out, I just really got sick of Olivia Pope, She really isn't the badass she claims to be and I frankly find her getting more and more annoying.

Fresh Off The Boat

Returns Sept 22 on ABC (Season 2)

If you haven't watched this show I don't know what is wrong with you. Fresh Off The Boat is based on the biography of Eddie Huang about his experiences as a Taiwanese immigrant moving to Florida in the 90's. Plenty of humor and just a little something out there for everyone.

American Horror Story: Hotel

Returns Oct 7 on FX(Season 4)

Who doesn't like AHS? There hasn't been much reveal on what the plot is but rather just the setting in a hotel. But from watching the past seasons, I know Ryan Murphy won't disappoint and not to mention LADY GAGA will be in it. Need I say more? And for those of you who aren't familiar with AHS, it is a horror anthology. It has a different setting every season usually with the same actors portraying different characters (anyone else sad that Jessica Lange isn't coming back)

Law and Order: SVU

Returns Sept 23 on NBC (Season 17)

I know I know you guys are probably thinking another season? This is mainly for those hardcore fans like myself. I haven't got bored yet so I will continue watching this until it ends.

Hawaii 5-0

Returns Sept 25 on CBS (Season 6)

Also another underrated show. This is a reboot from the 1960s-80s version. It is about an elite police force in Hawaii. It is actually pretty entertaining and somewhat relatable which is what you would think of a cop show.


Returns Oct. 9 on The CW (Season 3)

Tells the story of the rise of Queen Mary of Scotland. It is like Gossip Girl but set in the 1500s. Great cast of characters and the plot is always changing and moving. Highly addictive especially if you are a history buff like I am (not accurate but who really cares). 

Downton Abbey

Returns Jan 3 2016 (maybe wrong) on PBS (Season 6)

And last but not least the LAST season of Downton Abbey  (bring on the tissues). When I first heard of this show I was very skeptical. It seemed very bland and just plain boring. But boy was I wrong and so glad to be wrong. I have fallen deeply and madly in love with this series and honestly it is taking a piece of my heart with it. There isn't much detail on the plot but from the trailer we can expect a very emotional season so make sure you stock up on tissues.

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