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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

GOBBLE GOBBLE: Mashed Potatoes 2.0

When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, it is never complete without a heaping side of mashed potatoes. There is nothing like a bite of turkey followed by that smooth, creamy, delicious taste of mashed potatoes. I am a purist when it comes to mashed potatoes half and half some butter and finish off with a little salt and pepper action. Why fix what isn't broken right? But I do know that some of you out there may want a change this year. Here are some simple additions to kick up your mashed potatoes this year that is guaranteed to keep your taste buds satisfied.

1.) Creamy Roasted Garlic

Simply take a whole bulb (not a clove) of garlic and wrap it in some foil with some olive oil and throw it in the oven and roast at 250 degrees for about 10-15 minutes depending on your oven's settings. Definitely keep an eye on it. After it's done simply smash it up and add it to your mashed potatoes along with some heavy cream instead of milk or half and half, butter, a touch of sour cream and salt and pepper to taste. Keep in mind that when you roast the garlic it will shrink not only in size but as well as flavor potency so you may need to roast more than one bulb to really bring out that roasted garlic flavor. I also wouldn't kiss anyone after eating this.

2.) Parmesan Cheese

After mixing in the traditional mashed potato ingredients with the exception of salt add some Parmesan cheese to your desire. This tends to work better when the mashed potatoes are nice and warm. This way the cheese will melt nicely and keep the consistency smooth (unless you prefer a little chunkiness). Taste before adding any additional salt since the cheese is already very salty on its own. Since it is Thanksgiving splurge a little and get the real stuff. It tastes so much better and you can save the rind for soups later on.

3.) Cream Cheese and Chives

With all the traditional ingredients added stir in some room temperature cream cheese and some chives. Mix well and top with more chives for garnish. With the cream cheese it isn't necessary to add butter, DO NOT USE CHIVE CREAM CHEESE I know it sounds stupid but the flavor is not the same.

4.) Caramelized Onion

This is one that I have recently made and was very surprised at how well it turned out. It is definitely for those who want to be a little ballsy. To caramelize the onions, slice them really thin and cook them over medium low hear stirring occasionally so the onions don't burn. Once the onions become translucent add some sugar (I prefer light brown sugar to really get that caramelized color and flavor). Keep cooking until your onions turn a nice brown color (NOT BURNED!!!). Afterwards add a dash of red wine or your favorite stock to scrape the bits from the bottom of the pan (DO NOT COVER THE ONIONS IN LIQUID) and add the onion mixture to a blender and puree. Please be careful and let the onions cool down before putting it into the blender.It should come out in a thin paste consistency. Add the paste into your mashed potatoes.

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