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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What 2015 Taught Me: A Year in Review

1.) Not all things broken are meant to be fixed...


I have a very complicated relationship with some of my immediate family members. Over the years I have tried and tried to develop some sort of a relationship with them but to no avail. And as important as family is it is important to realize when enough is enough. No matter how much effort I make on my side, these particular family members didn't bother even trying and in any relationship it takes two to tango. And although I did spend a lot of time trying to cultivate these relationships with very little successful outcomes, I don't regret it. I rather I tried than just stand back. No family is perfect and it's important to spend time with those who love you just the way you are. 


This is a very hard topic for me to talk about. This year I got roped backed into a situation that I probably should've avoided all together. There has been this guy in my life for that I have held a torch for. Even today I still don't know why. This particular year I not only let him back in my life but my heart as well. There are no words to describe the pain that I went through going back and forth thinking that there was some hope out there for us. A part of me should have known better since he has hurt me before many times but at the same time I felt like I finally got closure to our situation. My heart is still broken but I am mending day by day. It has made me realize what I need to look for in a partner and also to take the toxic guys out of my life. As much as we hold on to our old loves, we need to ask ourselves is it really worth it? We all go through broken hearts in our lives but we have to make sure that those broken hearts were worth it. 

When things are broken in life, there is probably a good reason why it is. It is good to try and fix it and sometimes things can get fixed but if it doesn't don't stress out about it. Life is so short and precious that wasting even a second of it over something you don't have control over is just not worth it. 

2.) I despise driving...

So apparently this year I learned that I actually hate driving. I honestly don't know why I was so excited when I was 16 getting my license. I don't know if it is where I live or just the amount of asshole drivers there are out there but driving these days is more of a chore rather than an enjoyment. I need to make more money and hire myself a chauffeur.

3.) Don't ever let ANYONE talk down to you...

I had a professor earlier this year who was also my advisor that told me because I wasn't doing well in his class, I probably shouldn't be in the program all together. And even though I was doing well in my other classes it didn't matter to him. When he said this to me I literally bawled my eyes out for like 3 hours and was close to dropping out of the program. But with the support of my friends I got back up and retook the class. Not only I got an A in the class I ended up raising my entire GPA. It was honestly one of the best feelings I have ever experienced. Never let anyone talk down to you and tell you you can't do it even if it is an authority figure. As long as you give it your all you are capable of ANYTHING life throws at you.

4.) I enjoy eating vegetarian and vegan dishes

Ever since I was young I have been the biggest carnivore. I had to have meat with every single meal every day of the year. This year however on the road to getting back in shape, I decided to venture out my tastebuds and try some vegetarian and vegan options. And to my surprise I actually enjoyed them much more than I thought. Although I haven't completely cross over to the herbivore side I do try to incorporate more vegetarian and vegan meals into my diet. Being Asian has helped since we eat a lot of tofu.

5.)  Loving yourself first

The most important thing this year taught me is that no matter what situation bad or good always love yourself first. If you can't love yourself you can't love or help others around you. No matter what comes your way always charge and face it head on. Happy New Year guys! Thank so much for all the support these last couple of years. <3 xoxo

"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about"

-Marylin Monroe 

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