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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Countdown to CHRISTMAS: JINGLE JINGLE- Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Hey guys welcome to another Countdown to CHRISTMAS POST!!! Today I wanted to bring back an old series of mine that I do every year and as you can pretty much see in the title it is my JINGLE JINGLE series where I share my all time favorite Christmas inspired recipes. I have a delicious and satisfying peppermint hot chocolate recipe that will put the Starbucks version to shame.

What You Need:

No exact measurements, make as much or as little as you want!!! 

-Semi sweet chocolate (the good expensive kind trust me it makes a HUGE difference)

-Whole Milk (none of that reduced fat 2% stuff)

-Heavy cream

-Candy Canes

-Peppermint Extract 

-Coconut Sugar (White sugar will work as well_

-Whipped cream or topping

-Marshmallows (optional)

How To Make:

Using a double boiler (if you don't have one no problem just put a glass bowl on top of a small pot of boiling water) melt your chocolate. The double boiler helps your chocolate melt a lot more smoother plus it also prevents lumps and the chocolate drying out.

After the chocolate is melted, stir it into a mixture of hot milk and cream very slowly (1 part cream per 2 parts of milk) 

While stirring add your sugar and adjust to your taste. Then pour in a couple drops of peppermint extract. BE VERY CAREFUL this stuff is very strong. 

After everything is dissolved and mixed pour it into your mug of choice and top it off with some whipped cream or topping and some crushed candy canes. You can also add some marshmallows.

Serve warm and enjoy!!! 

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