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Sunday, December 13, 2015

November/December Favorites (Tech Edition)

Hey guys, long time no talk! I cannot apologize enough for being so M.I.A these last few months. My work and school schedule have been insane and all over the place. Life happens... Any how I am back with a favorites post and not just any favorites post but one all about my favorite tech. I don't usually do these but there are a few things I have been loving that I wanted to share with you guys!

FitBit Charge HR

I picked up this little bad boy during my Black Friday shopping adventure and have been wearing it ever since. I was diagnosed with some heart issues awhile back and part of my treatment is to keep track of my pulse/heartbeats. I don't know why I never thought to buy this when it first came out. The sleek design makes it easy to wear and set up takes seconds. The Charge HR comes in a variety of colors however you can't switch the band colors like the original one. It also tells the time and date, calories burned, steps, stair count and number of miles you took in a day. 

I have the black one shown above 

MacBook Air 

The last year or so I have been dealing with a variety of technology issues mostly on my MacBook Pro. I have had my MacBook for about 8 years and it has been my rock however because I am a heavy computer user due to school and my work, over the past few months my baby has been slowing down on me and has needed quite a few extensive repairs. I recently had to take my computer in once again to the Apple store and they told me that the current repairs I had to make would run me about $400 +. I did go to other places to see if it would be any cheaper and honestly it wasn't that big of a difference. As much as I love my baby I knew it was time to retire it and buy myself a new one. I did some research and ended up deciding on the MacBook Air. It is very sleek and so much easier to carry around. The only downside is that all the new MacBooks no longer have a CD-Rom drive due to the increase in battery size. But overall I am very happy with my choice and can't wait to get more use out of it. 

I purchased the 13 in 8GB plus 256 GB flash storage 

iPhone 6s Plus

When the iPhone 6 first came out I regretted not purchasing a plus so when I had an upgrade for the 6s I didn't want to make the same mistake. While it is a pretty big phone it has made my life so convenient. It is not only clearer but I am able to get more things done and faster such as replying to email or sending documents to my clients. Not to mention it is also great for playing games.

I have the one in space grey

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