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Friday, December 19, 2014

The Legend of Korra (Finale)- Thoughts & Stuff

Yesterday was a truly heartbreaking day,,,, The Legend of Korra has finally ended. Obviously I knew that this day was going to come but I am still currently trying to register it in my brain. I am a HUGE Avatar fan all the way from the start. It is definitely one of the best shows Nick has ever done. This is one of those shows where no matter how old you are it is something everyone can enjoy.

The Legend of Korra finale was definitely something for the ages. Instead of doing a full on review I want to share with you guys an article from Vanity Fair. This article not only contains a review of the finale but they also wrote about the modern perspective that this show brought. It covers pretty much every topic from religion to race to censorship to even sexuality. It is so well written and something I think you guys will really enjoy. But here are some quick little thoughts I had about the finale (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD).

1. Varrick & Zhu Li

I knew that Nick was going to have at least one couple getting together at the end and I personally was rooting for Korra and Mako however I was so happy that they married Varrick & Julie. I even teared up a bit when he proposed to her and also their wedding at the end. 

2. What happened to Toph, Katara & Zuko?!?!

I was hoping that they would show more of the original Team Avatar especially at the end of the show. I had so many questions like whatever happened to Zuko's mother? Who was Toph's baby daddy and what happened with him? The list is endless. I am glad that they were able to bring back some old characters. My favorite throughout the show was when they brought back Uncle Iroh. I gotta admit I bawled my eyes out when I watched that episode.

3. Asami & Korra?!?!

I think everybody was pretty much surprised at the ending. But I personally thought that Nick made a pretty bold move but at the same time it changed things up a bit. Most of us myself included wanted Mako and Korra together. My personal thought about Asami and Korra is their remarkable friendship. These girls been through so much together even dating the same guy but in the end it only made their relationship stronger. I wish women today could be more accepting like them. Think about all the drama we could've avoided haha. 

You guys can still watch the finale as well as the other episodes on You can also watch on other platforms such as iTunes and Amazon prime. 


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