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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Movie Review: Rogue

I am a horror movie addict... actually addict may be an understatement. I honestly cannot live without horror movies in my life. I love the feeling of adrenaline rushing and anticipation that horror movies bring. Some of you may think i'm crazy but hey being addicted to horror movies is A LOT better than being addicted to crack... just saying.

My favorite type of horror movie are creature features. What can I say I am a hardcore animal lover. But I gotta admit that there really aren't a lot of decent creature features. The cgi is always wack and they are always some porn scenes. Like seriously focus on the freaking animal. Given this I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed Rogue. 

Rogue is an Australian horror film based on the true story of Sweetheart, a giant crocodile that attacked boats during the 1970s (She actually never killed anyone in real life). It starts out introducing a group of tourists who are taking a boat tour around Australian wetlands. The group ends up taking a detour when a flare is seen in the air. After the group finds the location of the flare, they see an empty boat in the water and are soon attacked up and unseen creature (obviously the croc). The rest of movie shows continues on with the people fighting for survival. Overall I gotta give some major props to this movie. First the cinematography is amazeballs!!! The scenery in the wetlands shown was absolutely stunning. I kinda felt I was on the tour with them (thank god I wasn't though). Everything was very lifelike and none of those cliche sceneries. The cgi croc wasn't too fake looking and the directors didn't overdo it by showing the croc too much. Secondly they actually made this movie about the creature and not into some porno. There was a mild bit of flirtation but nothing raunchy. And lastly, they actually had a pretty decent cast, like actual actors that we know about like Michael Vartan (Alias), Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland) and Sam Worthington (Avatar).I did wish that they gave Worthington a bigger part because if you haven't heard this true born Australian accent you are definitely missing out! 



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