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Monday, October 27, 2014

Book Review- BLOGTOBER OCTOBER 28, 2014

Make Up: Your Life Guide to Beauty Style and Success- Online and Off
Michelle Phan

It is amazing how something simple as making a makeup tutorial and putting it up on YouTube can lead to such success. Today the most well known YouTubers are making 6 figure salaries. Honestly why am I even bothering applying to graduate school?

One of the top successes in YouTube world today and also the one that pretty much started it all is the one and only Michelle Phan. This woman has generated millions of subscribers and growing continuously each day. She has an average of 1,000,000+ views PER VIDEO. She is not only a YouTube guru but also has her own businesses like IPSY (monthly beauty subscription service), her own makeup line (em cosmetics) and now she is adding author to her amazing resume. In her book Make Up, Michelle talks about her own personal struggles she experienced growing up making the woman she is today. She offers great advice and tips from beauty to skincare to even basic etiquette. It is basically a life guide for the daily woman in a modern world.

Michelle's never give up attitude and ambition is such an inspiration. I recommend this book to anyone not just as a fun read but just a little pick me up on those dark days where nothing in our lives seem to make sense.

You can purchase Michelle's book at booksellers in-store and online nationwide.

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