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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Keeping It Together January #1 : Letting Go

Hey guys and welcome to the first post of my Keeping It Together January series. This series is designed to help you guys get a good and productive start to the new year. 

This first post is probably the most important one. If you are able to do this you pretty much already have a good start and what is this essential thing I am talking about...


This is definitely easier said than done. But to get a good and productive start to the new year, it is very important to let go of bad feelings, people etc.. Basically anything causing you unnecessary stress. A lot of us including myself have a hard time letting go but to continue on in the journey of life you don't want these ill things to drag you behind. It not only affects you emotionally but can manifest into something physical. 

Now how exactly does one let go? While I can't tell you exactly how to do it since everyone is different with different situations I can give you some tips to help you get it started.

1.) Throw out any physical reminders that cause you stress or even makes you remember the ill thing

2.) Stop contact with the people in your life who don't make you happy

3.) Go out and take a day for yourself and do something you love

4.) Spend time with those who do care and love you for the person you are

And remember you really do only have one life to life so don't screw it up over the little thing. You will never get those moments back. 

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