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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Keeping It Together January #2: Quick and Healthy Nutritious Breakfasts

Hello y'all and welcome to another Keeping It Together post. Today I would like to share some quick and healthy breakfast ideas. Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day even if you don't like it. It not only gives you energy to start you day but will also help you focus better and be more productive. Remember we are trying to KEEP IT TOGETHER!!!

1.) Low Fat Granola w/Berries & Almond Milk

Honestly couldn't be easier. Pick your favorite granola (just make sure it is low fat and possibly natural if possible) and simply put in your favorite berries and top it off with some almond milk. I recommend blueberries because not only they are easy to eat but are very high in antioxidants. Almond milk gives you a little extra protein to help hold you over till lunch. If you don't like milk try some plain greek yogurt instead and add a little touch of agave for some sweetness.

2.) Eggs n Pepper

This one does require a tiny bit of cooking but is still super quick and easy. Simply pick your favorite type of bell pepper and slice into rings. In a hot skillet spray some olive oil and lay your pepper flat. Crack an egg simply into the pepper ring. Cook until your desired type of egg (I like my eggs to be a bit runny). Top it off with some salsa and WIOLA!!! If you prefer some carbs replace the pepper with whole wheat bread instead (You can cut a hole in the middle).

3.) The Green Monster

You can never go wrong with a smoothie. The Green Monster is one of my favorites and one of my go-tos. There are many variations of this smoothie this is just what I like. You can really put whatever type of fruit and greens you want. In a blender add bananas, spinach, plain low fat greek yogurt, and orange juice (you can use any type of liquid: soy milk and coconut water are great in this!) Plenty of protein and nutrients like vitamin c to help kickstart your day. Please try your best and not buy any of the pre made Green Monster smoothies in stores. They are loaded with way too much sugar. 

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