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Monday, January 19, 2015

Keeping It Together January (#4): Organization Tips

No matter if you are in school or working organization tips can never hurt. 

1.) Get A Planner

This seems a pretty obvious suggestion, but it is actually very important. Whether you have an app or an actual paper planner writing things down can make sure you have all the things you need to do without having to memorize it all and save you a from a ton of trouble if you accidentally forget. The only issue with having a planner is not checking it. A great tip for this issue is to find a planner that suits you. There are so many different types and designs for planner so pick one you really like something that you would be willing to check and write in everyday. For those of you who are phone obsessed (like who isn't these days) here are some great planner apps to help get you started...

Planner Plus

Schedule Planner

myHomework Student Planner (for students...duh)

And for those of you who like to write things down..

Erin Condren Life Planners (These are hella expensive but definitely worth the money when it comes to something a little more customized)

Amazon- Great selection of planners from all different styles and brands

2.) Try To Get Things Done Ahead Of Time When Possible

The best way to keep your to do list from piling up is to get things done little by little ahead of time instead of waiting till the last minute. There are times where we lay in our beds and watch Netflix when we could be getting stuff done... so GO DO IT. Netflix isn't going anywhere and think of it this way the more you get done ahead of time the more time you will have later on for Netflix, 

3.) Designate a Working Area

Find a place where you feel the most comfortable not necessarily an office or the library but just a place where you can have peace and quiet and time to yourself. The peace will let you be able to calm down and slowly start your work. Just make sure your place has all your supplies ready and good light.

4.) Buy Those Quirky Organization Contraptions

Pen holders, file organizers, etc... those little contraptions you seeing by office furniture BUY THEM!!! The last thing you want is a cluttered work area. These little contraptions not only keep your supplies together but can give you more space in your work area. Plus there are tons of cool and funky designs out there for these contraptions that you will bound to find something that fits your personality and lifestyle. 

5.) Keep H20 by Your Area

So many of you may be thinking why is she recommending we keep water near us when this post is about organization? Being well hydrated will keep you on your feet therefore making you more attentive and organized! 

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