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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Keeping It Together January #3: Quick Little Health Hacks

Just a few tricks to help keep you in your best and optimal shape. And no worries none of these tricks are complicated because #aintnobodygottimeforthat.

1.) Add some lemon into your H20

See told you my tricks are easy. Restaurants and spas serve lemon water as a refresher but did you know that there are great health benefits in lemon water as well. 


- Detoxify your body 

-Warm lemon water can help boost your metabolism

- Great for acne prone skin

- Sanitize

And mostly they add a great flavor to your everyday boring glass of water! 

2.) Walk for @ least 20 mins a day

Between work, school, family, and friends who really has the time to go to gym these days right? Simply walk around your neighborhood or even house for at least 20 mins a day. It is a great simple way to keep yourself in shape without the hassle of getting up and going to the gym.

3.) Add some coconut oil to your life

Coconut oil has become such a fad these days but for a great reason. Coconut oil is not only healthy to eat (great for heart and less bad fat than other oils) it is also a great beauty remedy. Dry skin, dry hair no problem just rub some coconut oil in it and viola! 

4.) Shop at your local farmer's market

A great way not only to save money but get fresh ingredients for your everyday meals. Honestly what could be better!

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