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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Chef Sisi: Raw Vegan Pad Thai

As part of my journey to eat healthier, I been experimenting with the raw food diet that has become so popular in the last year. I try to incorporate a raw vegan dish into my diet twice a week. I have not fully converted to a raw diet and probably never will due to certain personal health issues. Here is one of my favorite tried and true raw vegan dishes. PAD THAI!!!

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: There are no exact measurements, put in as much as you like!

2-3 Zucchini Squash (Cut into noodle form you can use the Sprializer)

Purple cabbage (Shredded)

Bean Sprouts

Mint Leaves (Sliced thinly)

Carrots (Sliced thinly length wise)

A thumb of ginger

Cashews (soaked in water for about 4-6 hours)

Coconut water

Curry Powder



1.) Put your zucchini noodles, shredded cabbage, bean sprouts, mint leaves, and carrots into a large mixing bowl.

2.) In a blender blend together your cashews, garlic, curry powder, ginger and the juice of half a lime and orange. Add a bit of coconut water to thin it out if desired.

3.) Pour your dressing onto the salad and garnish with crushed raw peanuts and a sprig of mint.

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