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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

ChefSisi: French Toast


-French Bread (Or any bread you prefer just make sure it isn't too soft. TIP: Take out your bread the night before and leave it on the counter, this will toughen up your bread so when you soak it in the egg mixture it won't fall apart.)

-Whole milk (You can substitute this for either coconut milk, almond milk or soy milk. I don't recommend using skim or 2% milk for this recipe.)

-Vanilla extract

-Sugar (I personally avoid eating sugar as much as possible so I used stevia in this recipe.)



-Unsalted butter

-Fruit (Your choice, I like bananas and strawberries on mine)

-Maple or Agave Syrup



1.) Slice your bread into 1 1/2 inch pieces. If you are using French bread slice diagonally.

2.) Prepare your egg soak: For every 2 cups of milk use one egg, 2 tsp of vanilla extract, 3-4 tsp of sugar or one small package of stevia, a dash of salt, and cinnamon if you like. Once the ingredients are together mix thoroughly.

3.) Heat up a flat skillet with about 1-2 tablespoons of butter.

4.) While the pan is heating up and the butter melting soak each of your bread pieces until nicely coated and place in the pan

5.) Cook for about 2 mins on each side or when it starts to turn a nice golden brown color

6.) Slice up some bananas and berries, top it off with some cinnamon sugar and maple syrup VIOLA Enjoy :)

This is a very kid friendly recipe. I have tested this recipe on pretty much all my younger siblings and cousins and none complained.

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