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Friday, March 21, 2014

Chef Sisi: Healthy BUT Tasty Food Replacements

At some point in our lives we always make the resolution of trying to eat a bit healthier, but as we all know that is easier said than done. I was diagnosed with genetic kidney failure at a young age and due to this little setback in my life I was put on A LOT of diets. However thanks to these diets I learned that it is possible to eat food that is tasty and good for you at the same time. Even after I got my transplant I still stuck with a lot of my diets from when I was sick. Here are some of my favorite dupes and hopefully will inspire you guys to make healthier choices.

1.) Stevia: This is something I am sure a lot of you know about. It has become somewhat of trend in the culinary world these last few years. Stevia is a sugar substitute that comes from a plant. Stevia is actually not one plant but is a genus that contains about 250 herbs and shrubs. It comes from the sunflower family. Stevia has about 300 times the sweetness of sugar but none of the bad stuff. Eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes, weight gain, an impaired immune system (the immune system helps fight off diseases), and much more. Sugar substitutes contain chemicals that can lead to brain damage over a long period of use. Stevia does have a bit of a taste but nothing too overwhelming and disappears when mixed in your favorite drink or food. You can also now bake with Stevia.

2.) Avocados: This is one of my favorite foods of all time. Come on who doesn't like guacamole? Avocados are also a great replacement for mayo. Mayo contains a whole lot of fat, sugar and artificial ingredients. Avocados have that same creamy texture as mayo and is a great replacement for mayo in sandwiches, wraps, salads etc... They are loaded with healthy fats and have many great health benefits like lowering cholesterol levels, maintaing a healthy heart, regulate blood sugar levels, help with eye health and so much more.

3.) Tofu Shritaki Noodles: Any pasta lovers out there? Then this one is for you. Even if you don't like Tofu you will definitely want to try this. This product was first promoted by Lisa Lillian or otherwise known as Hungry Girl. Tofu Shritaki Noodles are made from tofu and yam flour. These noodles are low fat, low sugar but have a great flavor. Their texture is a bit chewy but they work with a variety of sauces and come in different styles like spaghetti and fettucine. You can find these in the vegetarian aisle of your local grocery store.

4.) Zevia: Who doesn't enjoy a nice soda every nice and then? However sodas these days are loaded with sugar and chemicals that can easily damage your body. Zevia is a natural soda that is sweetened with stevia. There isn't any funny ingredients that are bad for you. It comes in a variety of flavors like ginger ale, cola, dr. pepper (dr. zevia) and so on. The taste isn't exactly like soda but it is very close and once you start drinking it you will get used to it. While this soda doesn't provide any health benefits it doesn't harm you like soda can.

5.) Coconut Water: To be completely honest I used to hate the taste of coconut water, it definitely took me awhile to get use to it however once I did I couldn't stop drinking it. As an athlete for a good part of my life I have had my share of Gatorade. It took me awhile to realize that Gatorade is pretty horrible for you. It is loaded with sugar and potassium. Coconut has all the benefits of hydration but all natural plus Coconut water has all natural sugars and potassium that can help lower blood pressure. It is also amazing for the skin.  It is great in smoothies and juices.

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