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Sunday, April 26, 2015

10 Things That Make Me Happy :D

I have been pretty stressed out the last couple of weeks, work and school have been super busy and frustrating. With all this stress and frustration mounting up I decided to stop and take a little break to take care of myself. Here are few little things that make me happy when life isn't going my way. Remember life is short taking care of yourself should always be your number one priority both mentally and physically. 


Music has always been there for me whenever I needed. It calms me and sends me to a little world that is just my own. I pretty much listen to every genre out there even a little country now and then. I post weekly playlists a couple times a month so if you ever interested in what I am currently listening to check them out! 


I am a huge FOODIE. I love to eat so much that I consider it a hobby. I am also very adventurous when it comes to food which led me to learn how to cook. Cooking is an art. There is just something so therapeutic in cooking from the prep to the finish product. It gives you a sense of empowerment and accomplishment (especially if it tastes good).


If you have siblings, you know that there are always moments where you wished you were an only child. I was one of them and sometimes I still do wonder a bit haha just kidding. I have two younger siblings, a 18 year-old little sister and a 10 year old little brother. My parents are one of those couples who wanted to try their luck having a kid past their prime and luckily for them they succeeded. I am 14 years older than my little bro who for the sake of privacy I will call him *Doug. While Doug may be only 10 I don't consider him a child he is a miniature adult. He understands things that most people in their 40s still don't get. He also doesn't act like a kid. He enjoys watching horror movies with me and Chinese soap operas with my grandmother and mom. I left for college when he was around 4 so I didn't get a chance to really watch him grow up but anytime I get a chance to hang out with him I take it. He never judges you and just loves you for who you are. 


I know many of you are probably judging me reading this but I got no fucks to give. I am 23 years old and I still play Pokemon... enough said


This might be kind of ironic but horror movies make me happy. I don't know if it is the scare or just watching other people's miseries it is just something I enjoyed ever since I was born. I was exposed to horror movies at an early age not on purpose. I hung around my older guy cousins growing up and it came with the territory. I love the Saw series and anything with a giant mutated creature. You name it I probably seen it... then again my life is like a horror movie sometimes...


Yes, I actually read for fun I know that this might be shocking to most of you out there. This is something that I have taken for granted over the years. With the pressures of work and school I cherish any time I can get reading a book that is not educational. Reading like music sucks me away into another world, a world where I don't have to give any fucks. And who doesn't want to do that?


I wish I could get paid watching Netflix. Every since I signed up for one I have been hooked.... more like obsessed. If there was a Netflix anonymous meeting I would probably be the first person there.


Now before you call me crazy, I only honk at pretentious asshole drivers who think they are Vin Diesel. I don't know what is wrong with some of the drivers out there today. Is it really that hard to use your turn signal? Did your teacher ever taught you the word STOP? Are you really that selfish or blind that you have to take up 2 parking spaces for your smart car? I mean come on people...


My friends are some of the best people I know especially the ones who have stuck around this long and if you know me believe me that I am not an easy person to be with. Anytime I am with them my worries just go away. They are always there for me no matter what time of the day or how silly of a problem I have. As Jerry McGuire says "You complete me"


I am not a big chocolate person, but I am ALWAYS DOWN for a chocolate milkshake. I was deprived of this when I was younger. My grandmother told me that I would be arrested if I ever drank one and my parents told me that they were drugs in them. As I got older and wiser obviously I knew better and drank them whenever I could especially with french fries... god I am so Americanized... 

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