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Saturday, November 15, 2014

GOBBLE GOBBLE Tips & Tricks for a Delicious & Easy Thanksgiving

Tip & Trick #1- BRINE THAT BIRD!!!
Brining is an extremely popular cooking technique that treats meats especially poultry like turkey, by seeping  the meat in a brine mixture (usually just salt and cold water) it not only flavors the bird but also helps keep its moisture. It is a technique that tends to show up a lot during the holidays especially Thanksgiving. While popular it isn't a technique many people are fond of because of the extra time it takes however this one little extra step will ensure you and your family a perfectly cooked bird.

The brine in the brining process is usually just a mixture of salt and water, however over the years this has changed. Now and days people add herbs, spices, whatever they really like in order to flavor and keep their meat moist and juicy. The brining process does take some time usually 12-24 hours before the meat is cooked. To make it a bit simpler for you guys here is a quick trick: Put your turkey in a large pot or brining bag (you can get this at grocery stores) and pour in Italian Dressing, yes Italian Dressing and then poor enough cold water to cover the bird. Put it in the fridge and let it sit overnight. The next day take your bird out rinse under cold water and then pat dry with paper towels (You don't want any water on the bird before you cook it otherwise the skin won't crisp up). You can add whatever other seasonings you like to your bird at this point. Italian dressing is basically just oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and spices basically what you usually add to a brine so instead of getting your hands all dirty and having to buy and put in every ingredient separately, all you need is a couple bottles of Italian Dressing. It usually takes around 2 bottles of dressing for a 16 pound bird but you can adjust accordingly to your tastes.


To save you guys from stress and agony when it comes time to cooking Thanksgiving dinner this tip will sure keep you happy. Certain side dishes like cranberry sauce and pie can be cooked ahead of time and kept in the fridge for when you need it. You can also partially boil your potatoes the night before and finish cooking them the morning off. This usually saves you a good amount of time between making everything else. Another thing you can prepare are your casseroles. You can either mix the ingredients together and set aside for it to be cooked on Thanksgiving day or make and cook ahead of time and them freeze them and just heat them up when it comes time to serving. The only thing you should be stressed about is the bird and not the side dishes.

Tip & Trick #3- PREMADE IS OKAY!!!
No matter if you are a professional chef or a home cook we always need a bit of help. There is no shame in buying dishes pre-prepared for you especially if you have a big family to serve. Stores these days can cook up a whole Thanksgiving dinner so don't fret if there are one or two things you just don't have time to make. Plan out your dinner and for the dishes you simply don't have the time to make and your relatives are just to lazy to help save yourself the stress and go to a store and just order your dishes for the people there to make. You can always pass it off as your own, I won't say anything ;)

And lastly just enjoy. As cliche as it sounds holidays are a time to get together with love ones whom we don't get to see as often due to the stress of our everyday busy busy lives. So try not to stress and make sure you end up in a food coma with a food baby at the end of the day!


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