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Thursday, November 6, 2014

GOBBLE GOBBLE #1- Apple Fennel Sage Stuffing

Hey Hey! Welcome back to another year of GOBBLE GOBBLE! GOBBLE GOBBLE is a series of easy and delicious DIY Thanksgiving recipes. Let's get cooking!!!


This is a simple stuffing recipe that is sure to please the crowd. While it is simple don't underestimate the flavor this little dish packs. This recipe like most my recipes does not have exact measurements. Just make according to your own taste and preference and of course the amount to people you are serving.

You will need:

-Honey Crisp or Pink Lady Apples (These are not too sweet so they will hold their shape while cooking)

-1 Fennel Bulb 

- Sage (Dried or Fresh)

- French Bread (Make sure it is day old bread)

-Chicken or Veggie Stock

-Salt & Pepper to taste

-Chicken or Veggie Bouillon

-Garlic & Shallots

-Carrots & Celery

How to make:

1.) Cut up your apples, fennel, and bread to about the same size (this will ensure even cooking)

2.) In a large pot saute your garlic, shallots, carrots and celery until tender but still with a slight crunch in butter & olive oil (at this time add salt & pepper to taste and add your sage)

3.) Put in your apples and bouillon

4.) In a separate bowl put the bread in and pour the apple/fennel mixture into it and add enough stock to moisten the bread but not drench

5.) Pour stuffing in a glass oven proof dish and top with some cubes of unsalted butter and bake until the top is nice and golden

If you are a carnivore feel free to add sausage or whatever kind of protein you prefer!

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