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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Diabetes Awareness Month

Hey guys! In honor of National Diabetes Awareness month I wanted to do a special post with some tips and tricks on living with diabetes. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a couple months ago. Type 2 diabetes is brought upon lifestyle. With Type II diabetes, your body is still producing insulin but isn't using it efficiently. Type I diabetes is autoimmune. Your body (pancreas) is attacking itself because it isn't making enough insulin. I developed diabetes through the insane amount of medications and dialysis I did when I had my kidney transplant. I take insulin everyday and it has been helping immensely. However depending on medication is not a smart or efficient way to care for your diabetes. Here are some tips to help those out there either living with diabetes or want to prevent diabetes.


Keep your diet low fat as much as possible!

Fat inhibits your pancreas making it harder for it to produce insulin. So stay clear from high fat foods, especially fried.


Stevia is your best friend!

For those of you who have a sweet tooth have no fear. There are so many sweet alternatives out there these days for diabetics. Just make sure that the sweetener in the desert you are eating contains stevia or truvia. Both are alternatives to sugar (plant based) and will still keep you satisfied. Keep away from artificial sweeteners like Sweet n Low as those will do more harm to your body. Some of my favorite sweet alternatives are Zevia & Honest brand sodas.


Bring on the protein!

Protein like meats or tofu can help you regulate your blood sugar by slowing things down a bit. So if you are having something like white rice just make sure you have plenty of protein on the side.


Eat your veggies!

This is pretty much a no brainer. There are no harmful sugars in veggies or some have none. Green veggies like kale and zucchini are dense so they keep you fuller longer. Plus these are really easy veggies to manipulate and are very tasty.


Watch out for fruits!

Yes, I am telling you to watch out for your fruits. While fruits are among one of the healthiest group of foods in the world, it can also be a diabetic's nightmare. Some fruits like bananas contain up to 15 grams of sugar for just one! The sugar in fruits do affect your blood sugar. So just because it is healthy it might not be healthy for you. Go online and do some research on fruits that are on the low glycemic chart such as apples.


Drink plenty of H2O!

Water not only helps you hydrate but flushes toxins. By flushing our these toxins you are cleaning out your body helping your organs function much more efficiently.


Read the Labels!

As annoying as it is to read the labels, it will definitely be beneficial to you in a long run. A lot of things have some form of sugar in them even natural foods. Just watch the amount of servings you are eating. Not every label is one serving.

And most importantly BE HAPPY!!! Research has shown that stress can increase your blood sugar level. So don't stress and do things that make you happy. Being happy is the most important medication you take!

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