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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Si's Life: Why am I REALLY SINGLE?

I can't tell you guys how many times I get asked on a daily basis about my love life. If I had a nickel for every time I am asked, I would be filthy rich like Angelina Jolie. These days it is apparently  taboo to be a single lady especially in her 20s and while I know my family and friends only want the best for me it can get EXTREMELY annoying and even more irritating when strangers start to but in.

I'm not some crazy feminist bashing men everywhere I go. I to have my moments where I wished I was in a relationship. Growing up, I didn't have the best examples when it came to romantic relationships. In my Asian culture, the men ran the house and as women we had to obey them. For years I watched the women in my family did everything for their men with very little reciprocation from them. I vowed to myself that when I find my prince charming I was not going to go through what the women in my family have.

My relationship history has been sort of a struggle. My dating experiences don't fill up a book much less a notebook. I have had great relationships with great men and some crappy relationships with really crappy men. And sadly I have to report I have not found my prince yet. My last so called relationship ended up with him cheating on me. After it was over I was devastated and gave up on any hope of ever finding anyone #foreveralone. Looking back now I realize how dramatic I was being after all I am only 23. Through the pain I discovered how much I took being single for granted. I had a great independence to do what I want and spend time with the people who meant the most to me. Being single has made me stronger and in turn helped me grow up... a lot. It has taught me to rely on myself more to get the things I want and actually somewhat achieve my life goals. Right now in the present when people ask me about my love life I tell them that I am exactly where I want to be. I have a job that I love, I am going to grad school to pursue my dream career to become a trauma/transplant counselor and have the love and support from some of the best people ever and all without A MAN. I am not going to take this time for granted and just going along for the ride. When the time comes I will meet the right person.

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