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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ChefSisi: Ways To Cook Chicken For Meal Prep

What is meal prep?

Cooking FULL meals to have them available whenever you need a quick meal

Benefits of meal prep

-Quick to go meals whenever you are having a busy day

-Having meals prepped decreases the chances of you reaching for something unhealthy

-Keeps your calories and nutritional intake on track

Downsides to meal prep

-Cooking a bunch of meals all at once takes a bit of time, so if you are going to meal prep set aside a couple hours once a week to grocery shop and prep your meals

-Food can tend to get a bit boring since it is easier to cook a bunch of the same dishes rather than different ones throughout the week

-Each type of food has their own expiration date so it is crucial to eat your meals before they go bad

Chicken recipes 

I chose chicken because it is one of the fastest and easiest proteins to cook for meal prep. It is very versatile when it comes to seasoning and works in a variety of dishes. Here are some of my favorite ways to cook chicken for meal preps. There are no exact measurements just because we all eat different amounts so just experiment to your liking and needs. Each recipe can be made in large quantities for multiple meals throughout the week. 

1.) Coco Chicken

Inspired by the beautiful country of Thailand and my love for coconuts

- In a large pot sautéed cut up chicken breasts in some garlic and coconut oil 

-Once the chicken is browned but not fully cooked pour in some coconut milk (just enough to cover the chicken) and add a stick of lemongrass (be very careful with this as it is pretty potent)

-Add salt and white pepper to taste

-Cook on low until the chicken is fully cooked through 

*For the meals: pack the chicken with some brown rice or quinoa and a side of raw red bell peppers
Good in the fridge for 3 days no more

2.) Sparrow Chicken

Inspired by Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean

-In a slow cooker put your chicken breasts in 

-To your chicken breasts season with salt and black pepper

-For the sauce, pour canned pineapple over the chicken then add 1/2 part rum to every 1 cup of chicken broth

-Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 4-6 hours

*For the meals: pack the chicken with some coconut rice (white rice & coconut milk mixed together) and a side of pinto beans lightly seasoned with some garlic and onion powder
Good in the fridge for 2 days no more

3.) Oven Baked Mexican Chicken

-Season your chicken breasts with lime juice, salt, black pepper, paprika and Mrs. Dash's Chipotle seasoning

-Depending on the amount you cook and your oven strength bake your chicken in the oven (usually 350 degrees for about 20-30 minutes)

*For meals: pack the chicken with some yellow corn tortillas and a side of black bean hummus (black beans, garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin all pureed in a blender)

All of these recipes (the chicken alone) are around 200-350 calories with less than 10 g of fat. Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard.

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