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Friday, May 29, 2015

ChefSisi: Top Favorite Beauty Foods

In today's society, we tend to relate the term beauty in relation to outward appearances. However beauty comes in many different forms and it is what makes each of us unique. Beauty cannot be defined by outward appearances alone but rather working together with what is inside as well. If we don't take care of ourselves internally or are not emotionally happy with ourselves chances are it will show on the outside. Here are my top favorite beauty foods that are not only good for the outside but inside as well and remember beauty comes from within. 


Great on toast and in face masks

Beauty Benefits

-Helps reduce wrinkles

-Great frizzy hair treatment

-Helps with dehydrated skin

Health Benefits

-Lowers cholesterol

-Good fat 

-Helps with digestion

-Reduces high blood pressure


Delicious alone or in smoothies and awesome in facial cleansers

Beauty Benefits

-Vitamin C in strawberries as an important building block of collagen which supports the structure and elasticity of our skin

-Can be mashed and used as an natural exfoliate

-Contains elegiac acid that helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation

-Helps with hair thinning

Health Benefits

-Vitamin C to help support a healthy immune system

-Good for protection of the eyes (strengthen the cornea and retina)

-Good for bone health (strawberries contain about 20% of manganese that helps keep our bone structure intact)


Try it in salad dressings and dilute it with water for a natural toner

Beauty Benefits

-Can be used as a toner to reduce skin inflammation

-Sunburn remedy

-Teeth whitener

-Acne remedy

-Wart remover

Health Benefits

-Soothes sore throats

-Helps with bad breath

-Helps with indigestion and other stomach troubles

-Clears stuffy noses

-Helps with hiccups


Eat it alone or put into a face mask w/avocado

Beauty Benefits

-Protects skin from free radical damage

-Skin detoxifier

-Dark cacao powder can be used as a natural vegan bronzer

Health Benefits

-Mood improver

-Contains antioxidants such as flavonoids that help prevent heart disease

-Reduces bad cholesterol  


Use as a natural sweetener in cooking or add it to your face masks for healthy glowing skin

Beauty Benefits

-Pore cleanser


-Scar Fader

-Acne Treatment

Health Benefits

-Cough suppressant

-Boosts memory

-Treats wounds and burns

-Alleviates allergies 

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