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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer of Food (Last one)

Chocolate Dipped Tangerines & Peanut Butter Banana Sandwiches 

Hey guys! Welcome to another and sadly the last recipe for the Summer of Food series. Summer is heading to a close and it's back to school for most of you so I wanted to give you guys a little sendoff. These treats are delicious and so easy to make and very kid friendly. So here's to the end of another summer and the beginning of fall. No worries I will be back with more recipes with my holiday recipe series coming October 2014 so stay tuned! XOXOXO

For the chocolate dipped tangerines (credit goes to my litter sister who found the "recipe" on Pinterest) you will need...

-Your favorite chocolate (white, dark, milk whatever you prefer), we used this easy to melt chocolate by Baker's

- Tangerines (or oranges if you can't find tangerines)

-Baking sheet lined with wax paper

-Optional SALT

How to make:

Melt your chocolate
Now you can go about this in a few different ways. My little sister and I purchased this Baker's microwaveable chocolate and just followed the directions. It was super easy and there are tons of brands out there that has this sort of thing.

If you bought chocolate chips or a chocolate bar first chop the chocolate up. If you have a double boiler which is probably the best way use that if not get a medium sauce pot and boil water half way and the put another heat proof bowl over it (make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water) and you got yourself a makeshift double boiler. Make sure to keep stirring when melting the chocolate so it doesn't burn.

You can also melt your chips or bar in the microwave at 30 second intervals stirring in between each for about a minute or until your chocolate is nicely melted and NO CHUNKS!!!

Next peel your tangerines or cut up your orange slices and dip them in the chocolate. We dipped ours half way to avoid a mess but you can dip them in all the way. After dipping we laid them on a tray and sprinkled some salt on it to bring out the chocolate flavor even more and to add a bit of an extra zing however you can totally skip this part.

After you are done dipping put your tray in the freezer for about 5-10 mins. The chocolate should be completely harden and the tangerines cold but NOT FROZEN!!! Take them out and enjoy!!!

For the Banana Peanut Butter Sandwiches you will need...

-Melted chocolate (we use the same chocolate from the previous recipe)


-Peanut Butter

-Baking sheet lined with wax paper

How to Make:

Peel and cut your bananas into small circles and make little sandwiches with peanut butter. After you assemble your sandwiches dip them in chocolate and lay on tray to freeze. These need to freeze a couple hours (overnight is the best).

These are super delicious like little ice cream bites plus they are healthy especially if you dip them in dark chocolate.

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