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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

ChefSisi: Summer of Food

Recipe #2- Flatbread chicken "tacos"

What You Need:


-Chicken Tenders

-Broccoli Slaw

-Trader Joe's Soyaki Sauce


-Miracle Whip

-Cumin, Red Pepper Flakes, Salt, Black and White Pepper


How To Make:

1.) Cut your chicken into bite size pieces and marinate w/minced garlic and 1/4 cup of the Soyaki sauce (set aside for 15 minutes or more)

2.) Once your chicken is done marinating cook in a pan w/ vegetable or canola oil 

3.) Once the chicken is almost done cooking add the slaw mix

4.) Add another 5 tablespoons of the soyaki sauce along with cumin, red pepper flakes, salt, black and white pepper

5.) Cook until chicken is done and the vegetables still have a bite to them

6.) Warm your flatbread on a dry hot pan on the stove

7.) After the flatbread is warm and toasty put a thin layer of miracle whip or sour cream 

8.) Add some half sliced cucumbers and top with the chicken mixture

9.) If desired add a bit more of the Soyaki sauce on top and ENJOY!!! 

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