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Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I have been receiving some complaints lately regarding to not responding to some business emails. I check my email multiple times a day and for all business inquiries I respond within 48 hours. If I don't respond I am either very very sick (but would still respond by the end of the week) or your email came up as malicious. I have a software and along with Google that tracks malicious emails. It will notify me immediately if that particular email has been used to commit a crime/stolen personal information. When I get these alerts for my safety and the safety of my clients I delete this email right away. My program is generally very accurate but of course every technology out there has its faults. If your email comes up malicious meaning you haven't received anything from me in more than a week and you are a legit business, please Direct Message me on Twitter @TheRisingSunxo and send me your email address and information through there. I will run a minor background check to make sure all your ducks are in a row. Thank you for your time and understanding. Looking forward to working with you guys in the future!


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