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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ask Sisi Q&A: Where have I been? Future of HouseofTheRisingSun?

Hey guys long time no chat! I have pretty much started the last couple of posts with this intro and there aren't enough words to tell you guys how sorry I am for being so MIA. So today I wanted to give you guys an update on where I have been and the future of this blog.

So where have I been? Unfortunately I did not have a summer this year. I had to continue my classes throughout the summer due to the first part of the internship that is required in my program. I was at my internship for about 20 + hours a week including a weekend. Along with my internship I had to take the class that went along with it as well as another online class. The online class was a little more than I bargained for because we had a huge project that required group work and meetings in person. But it wasn't just school. As most of you probably know if you read my last blog post, House of the Rising Sun Social Media Consulting services has been undergoing some changes and had to shut down for about 3 months. I will do a separate post on the changes.

Now with the fall semester about to start where does that leave this blog? In all honesty with everything that has been going on between school and work blogging is just currently not one of my top priorities at the moment. But it does not mean that I don't love blogging and want to stop. For those of you who are in school or were in school and those of you who know what it is like to start and run your own business you guys know how hard it can be doing that while trying to have a personal life as well. In terms of the future of this blog, I will not stop writing but I can't promise consistent posts. Hopefully one day when I am finally done with school and get all my business issues sorted out I can be more attentive and more deserving of you guys. In the meantime thank you all for the continuous support and love!

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