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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Weekly Playlist 8/30/16

I haven't done one of these in awhile and am so excited to post one for y'all! I have gotten some questions whether or not if I have a Spotify and SoundCloud account and the answer is yes I actually have both. However both accounts are my personal ones. I prefer to share the music I am listening to through YouTube for you guys because it is just easier and most of you have access to it. Another reason why I post my playlists on YouTube is that not everyone will like everything I post and once you listen to the playlist you can pick your favorites and download them with whatever you choose.

1.) Controlla

2.) Next Up
Mila J

3.) Lavish
Jeff Bernat

4.) Teeter-Totter

5.) Once In Awhile (Geo Remix)

6.) Distraction

7.) Heartache
Relient K

8.) Say It (Remix)

9.) Chasing Hearts
Breathe Carolina

10.) Lead Me On

11.) Pullin' Me Back

12.) A Lack of Color
Death Cab for Cutie

13.) Angel Eyes
Love and Theft

14.) Say My Name (Cover)
William Singe

15.) No Shopping
French Montana, Drake

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

September Client Slots

Hello everyone! So I wanted to post our first client slot a little earlier than planned just to give people some time to familiarize with the new changes as well as start booking consultations. If you do not know what I am talking about please read the post before this one.


Currently we have...

new client slots free 


retainer spot 

House of The Rising Sun Social Media Consulting Changes

For those of you who have been following me for awhile, are clients or perspective clients you may have noticed that HOTS Social Media Consulting has been down and undergoing some changes. In my previous post, the Q&A, I mentioned that I was going to talk about these changes in a separate post and now here it is! Hopefully this post will clear up any questions if not feel free to email me at I usually respond within 24 hours.

1.) I am no longer working by myself

One of the biggest changes is that no longer I am handling all business aspects by myself. Due to the high volume of work and projects, I have teamed up with a couple of freelancers in the social media business. These people are very skilled at what they do and offer much more that I could ever by myself. They are not employees but rather consultants and will be available case by case basis which basically means depending on the type of project you require these consultants will be on call for specific needs. We all need a little help now and then. Hopefully with this new practice in place we will be able to not only serve you better but more efficiently. (DISCLAIMER: because these freelancers are not employees but rather consultants pricing will vary a bit, details on pricing will be given at the time of 1st appointment not the initial consultation). 

2.) New website! 

To make booking appointments easier and have all the info about HOTS Social Media Consulting in one place we are running a test website through Wix. I am currently in the process working with a web developer to develop a permanent site. Keep in mind that we are still in the testing phase and there still might be some minor hiccups. So far the only trouble we have had is double booking appointments. If two people are on the site at the same time and book the same time slot both will get the appointment however that will not be the case. We will get in touch with you if this occurs Whenever you book an appointment through the site you will receive an email confirmation.


Originally 24/7 support was given to those who purchase our premium package and support was generally through Kik and Line Messenger apps. Now for all our clients we will have 24/7 support available through email. For our messenger app support that will still be exclusive to our premium clients.

For our current clients using this service all you have to do is send an email to with the subject line 24/7 support. Your email will be filtered from the main inbox and placed into a special folder where you can expect an answer in around 30 mins to 2 hours (sometimes even less) everyday from 7 a.m. to midnight eastern time.

For our current clients this service will begin September 1, 2016. There will be an email going out later this week explaining the service in full. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. For new clients who sign up between now and September your service will begin October 1, 2016. This service will be up and running fully December 1, 2016. After Dec 1 any client who signs up will be eligible for this service right away.

4.) Client Slots

Due to the high volume of work HOTS SMC is getting we will not be accepting every client from now on. In order for us to give you the best work and attention possible we will be trimming down our client list a little bit. At the beginning to each month I will post what will be known as client slots. It basically will let you know how many new clients we will be taking on that month. If you are interested in keeping us on retainer please send me an email with the subject line retainer and send me your number. I will contact you personally about how the retainers work. We only have a handful of clients that are retainers so space is very limited. This change will not affect any current clients.

The last thing I wanted to mention is not really a change but more of an implementation. From now on we ask future clients not to ask us about our current list of clients. We want to maintain a professional relationship to the highest regard and that includes confidentiality. Our work for one client will not directly effect the work for another. We promise to always do our best for you and your business.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ask Sisi Q&A: Where have I been? Future of HouseofTheRisingSun?

Hey guys long time no chat! I have pretty much started the last couple of posts with this intro and there aren't enough words to tell you guys how sorry I am for being so MIA. So today I wanted to give you guys an update on where I have been and the future of this blog.

So where have I been? Unfortunately I did not have a summer this year. I had to continue my classes throughout the summer due to the first part of the internship that is required in my program. I was at my internship for about 20 + hours a week including a weekend. Along with my internship I had to take the class that went along with it as well as another online class. The online class was a little more than I bargained for because we had a huge project that required group work and meetings in person. But it wasn't just school. As most of you probably know if you read my last blog post, House of the Rising Sun Social Media Consulting services has been undergoing some changes and had to shut down for about 3 months. I will do a separate post on the changes.

Now with the fall semester about to start where does that leave this blog? In all honesty with everything that has been going on between school and work blogging is just currently not one of my top priorities at the moment. But it does not mean that I don't love blogging and want to stop. For those of you who are in school or were in school and those of you who know what it is like to start and run your own business you guys know how hard it can be doing that while trying to have a personal life as well. In terms of the future of this blog, I will not stop writing but I can't promise consistent posts. Hopefully one day when I am finally done with school and get all my business issues sorted out I can be more attentive and more deserving of you guys. In the meantime thank you all for the continuous support and love!

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