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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Update: Where Have I Been?!?!

Hey guys long time no chat! These past few weeks have been toughies for me. I was diagnosed with Recurrent Corneal Erosion a couple years ago. RCE is basically when your cornea scratches itself. It is unpredictable and super painful. I had a procedure done last year but sadly it did not take so I had to do the procedure all over again. But before I had the procedure done I went on a little vacation with some family and friends just to relax and prep myself. If you follow me on Instagram (szhao91) you probably have already seen some of my adventures. I am currently still in recovery but feeling so much better and hopefully will be back to 100% sometime in the next 2 weeks. Meanwhile I will still be posting here and there until I get settled in with my school schedule. My class schedule changes every semester so I can't stick with a permanent schedule. 

But while you guys are waiting for me to return to a normal posting schedule here are few things to look forward to in the upcoming months...


GOBBLE GOBBLE (Thanksgiving themed posts)

JINGLE JINGLE (Christmas themed posts)

and much much more 

The holidays are my favorite time of the year besides summer of course and this year I have a bunch of stuff planned so stay tuned!!! 

I also want to give you guys a big thanks for all your support I would not be here without you. 


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