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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Beauty Tips For School

With school starting or for some of you who have already started getting ready in the morning can be such a hassle. We have way less time to get ready and deciding on a cute makeup look can get pretty daunting. Here are a few of my favorite tips for getting ready in the morning faster AND making you look cute all at the same time.


One Step Products are essential for getting ready fast. During the school year who has the time to apply primer, foundation, concealer yada yada yada... Find products like BB or CC creams that have all of this in JUST ONE BOTTLE. This will give you more time on the rest of your makeup and outfit for the day. If you don't want to spend anymore money just mix your foundation into your moisturizer and apply. Spot conceal if needed. And remember you are getting ready for school not the catwalk.


Just because summer is over doesn't mean you have to stop using your summer makeup. Any products that you have that are long lasting and waterproof that you used throughout the summer, use it for school! This will ensure that your makeup will stay on throughout the day and you won't have to worry about touchups. Just makeup sure you don't use any crazy colors save the blue eyeliner for the weekend!


For those of you who do like wearing eyeshadow to school, try to stick to a routine and natural colors like browns, beige, champagne etc... School is not a time to be playing with your makeup. Try to find neutral mini eyeshadow palettes that have 3 or 4 colors in it and stick with this palette throughout the year. This will save you time and you still get a nice little variety of looks plus it will also save you $$$. 

For an even faster eyeshadow look try cream eyeshadow sticks. All you have to do is swipe on your lids and add a little mascara and liner and you are good to go! 


Before you go to bed every night along with planning your outfit plan out your makeup look. Lay out the makeup and brushes you are going to use. This way you won't scramble around looking for things in the early morning and gives you a little bit of extra sleep time! 


I know that we all want to look good but when it comes to school or work there is no need to be wearing a full face of makeup. Keep it simple and leaving out the intense contouring, highlighting etc... save those for prom and other special occasions throughout the year. Believe me you will be surprised at how much time you save just by eliminating those steps.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Last Minute Summer Trip Ideas

While some of you already may have already started school, summer is not quite over. The weather is finally starting to settle and the heat is actually tolerable. So why not take advantage of it. Here are some quick last minute summer trips that you can still take without messing with your school schedule!

1.) The Beach

This one is pretty obvious especially if you live in a place with a good beach. Right now there aren't tons of people there so you can actually enjoy the warm sand and beautiful waters. It is also a great place to get some homework and studying done. 

2.) Hiking Trail/Picnic

Not only an easy but fun trip, it is also great exercise. Staying in shape during the school/work year can be quite daunting but is extremely important. So grab a friend or pet and pack yourself a little picnic basket and head up a trail. 

3.) Water Park

Water parks are always a great time especially now since things are winding down and less people are on vacation. Let the cool water relax you from all your stress and take your mind off of things just for a little while. Take advantage of this and plan yourself a little day trip. If you don't go to one right now chances are you won't be able to till next summer since most water parks are opened only seasonally. 

4.) Try out a new restaurant

Who doesn't love food? Go online or Yelp and check out some local restaurants you have never been to before. This is a great little trip for those who don't necessary have a day to spend but just want a couple of hours off. Who knows it might be your new favorite go to place!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Si's Life: Getting To Know ME FAQs

I have been receiving some emails lately asking me to share a little more about myself and what exactly I do outside of this blog. So I decided to take the most FAQs and put it into one post. 

1.) How old are you?

I turned 24 this past June

2.) Are you still in school and if so what are you studying?

Yes, I am currently a full time graduate student pursuing a Master's of Arts degree in Rehab & Mental Health Counseling 

3.) Do you work?

Yes, outside of this blog I am a freelance social media consultant. I don't work for one specific company (I used to) but rather take on clients privately.

4.) What is your future career goal?

I want to specialize in transplant/trauma care.

5.) Do you have any pets?

Currently I have a turtle, a couple of chickens and one duck

6.) Do you have any siblings?

Yes, a little sister and little brother

7.) What do you like to blog the most about?

Definitely beauty products, it is what started this blog and has been a passion ever since I was a little girl

I hoped you guys enjoyed this little Q&A! I will definitely do more in the future. Please continue to send me more questions! 


Sunday, August 9, 2015

#ChefSisi: Coconut Aminos The Next Big Food Trend?

What are Coconut Aminos?

Coconut Aminos is a soy free alternative seasoning to soy sauce (NOT A REPLACEMENT). It was developed by siblings for their father who is a diabetic to give him healthier seasoning options. It is made from the sap of coconut blossoms. It is 65% less sodium than soy sauce and is non GMO, gluten free, and vegan.

How is the TASTE? 

First of like I mentioned before this is NOT A REPLACEMENT to soy sauce. It has the salty flavor of soy sauce but is much sweeter. And even though it is made from coconuts it doesn't have any coconut flavor at all. It is super tasty and can be used with many dishes, proteins, veggies and such. I personally really love the taste and so does my 10 year old brother. So definitely kid approved. I do recommend adding it after the dish is made for optimal flavor. When you cook it too much you lose a bit of the flavor.

Nutrition Facts

For 1 serving (1tsp)

0 grams of fat

5 Calories

1 g of Sugar

This is great for those who want to eat just a bit healthier or for weight trainers who need more flavor in their foods. 

You can purchase this at Whole Foods and most Trader Joes You can also find in on Amazon. Prices will vary but retails around $5-$8. It comes in many different flavors. 

Update: Where Have I Been?!?!

Hey guys long time no chat! These past few weeks have been toughies for me. I was diagnosed with Recurrent Corneal Erosion a couple years ago. RCE is basically when your cornea scratches itself. It is unpredictable and super painful. I had a procedure done last year but sadly it did not take so I had to do the procedure all over again. But before I had the procedure done I went on a little vacation with some family and friends just to relax and prep myself. If you follow me on Instagram (szhao91) you probably have already seen some of my adventures. I am currently still in recovery but feeling so much better and hopefully will be back to 100% sometime in the next 2 weeks. Meanwhile I will still be posting here and there until I get settled in with my school schedule. My class schedule changes every semester so I can't stick with a permanent schedule. 

But while you guys are waiting for me to return to a normal posting schedule here are few things to look forward to in the upcoming months...


GOBBLE GOBBLE (Thanksgiving themed posts)

JINGLE JINGLE (Christmas themed posts)

and much much more 

The holidays are my favorite time of the year besides summer of course and this year I have a bunch of stuff planned so stay tuned!!! 

I also want to give you guys a big thanks for all your support I would not be here without you. 


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