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Friday, January 17, 2014

Current Reading List January 2014

Here is my reading list for the month of January. It definitely isn't as big as my other one due to the ridiculous amount of schoolwork that I already have only after two weeks. But anyways hope you guys enjoy and will take away some of these book suggestions.

1.) Confessions: The Private School Murders By James Patterson- Yes, yes another book by James Patterson. But seriously I cannot get enough of him. All his novels are fast-paced and very intriguing. You will never get bored and this one is no exception. I don't want to give too much away but basically there is a serial killer on the loose killing wealthy women at this private school and along with it the main character's brother is charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend. It's pretty much like reading two different stories in one. Even if you do have a busy schedule you won't regret taking some time off to read this.

2.) David And Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants By Malcolm Gladwell- This is definitely somewhat out of my reading comfort zone; motivation novels. However I got this suggestion from a friend of mine and decided to take a look at it and I'm very glad I did. Gladwell in his novel challenges us in terms of the way we deal with our everyday obstacles and whether or not there is a way out of them. Whether if it is being discriminated against for your race or disability or even loss, Gladwell pretty much covers it all. He takes out the suffering in horrible situations and transforms it into something beautiful. Highly recommend this. 

3.) The White Queen (The Cousin's War) By Philippa Gregory- Gregory tells the story of Elizabeth Woodville, a commoner who marries the newly crowned Edward IV. The novel is loosely based on the actual life of Elizabeth Woodville, who is the great-grandmother of Queen Elizabeth I. I'm a sucker for historical novels but this is something I think most people would enjoy since it is very difficult from reading an actual text book. There is romance, war, jealously etc etc... This was also recently made into a TV show staring Max Irons from movies like The Host and Red Riding Hood

All these books are available at booksellers nationwide (Prices will vary). But Amazon does have the best prices especially if you own the Kindle or Kindle App.  

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